Digital multi-channel marketing is a frequently used tool which helps companies and organisations meet strategic goals and to help generate a higher audience and eventually a higher income. Businesses do not like to spend a huge sum of money on marketing, as this will be deducted from their profits, instead they like to focus upon making the most out of using free tools to help boost page viewings. This blog post will also discuss the variations of digital marketing and how they can be utilised within a business.
Search Engine Optimization
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of gaining “traffic” from genuine searches from search engines, without an organisation needing to pay to receive new “traffic”. Mechanised, an Manchester SEO company, gives guidance and help to those who are wishing to reap the benefits of SEO. Furthermore, SEO has been popular for many years and it is a very efficient method of ranking highly within search engine results, which is important because most search engine users do not look beyond the first page of Google search results.
Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is a newer form of marketing, although a fast growing form of marketing. This form of marketing is most likely the most straight forward and easiest form of marketing to utilise within a company. This is because most people already have social media accounts for personal use, so they are already familiar with how social media platforms work. Another benefit of social media marketing is that it is free and anyone is eligible to set up a social media account. The most popular social media platforms are: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and most recently TikTok. TikTok is an extremely new social media platform, although it is new it is mighty. The platform’s popularity has rapidly grown since the 2019/2020 Coronavirus outbreak, causing boredom in many house-holds, which then caused many mobile users to try the TikTok app for entertainment and then people were hooked and started posting lots of content themselves. It will be interesting to see whether TikTok grows any further and whether corporations will start to use TikTok for marketing purposes.
Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing is an even newer concept than social media marketing. Influencer marketing has become a thing because of social media marketing. There is an uprising of ‘influencer culture’ because of TV programmes such as ‘Love Island’ have made ordinary people immensely popular, meaning people follow them and their purchasing decisions are often influenced by what these popular people display. So, for instance if you are trying to promote tooth whitening tooth paste, then ask an influencer to promote the product and your products should fly off the shelves.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is good for helping to generate repeat custom. Once a customer signs up to purchase something, if they consent to their email address being used for marketing purposes, they will be added to a email marketing list and they will receive emails regarding latest deals and new products. As long as email marketing isn’t too frequent, it will not be annoying to customers, but if it is too frequent customers often get annoyed and switch off from the emails. Email marketing is a method which can be used by any company and when it is used considerately it will help to generate more income, as customers are reminded to purchase and encouraged to shop by using discounts and sales.
SMS marketing is very similar email marketing, but the method is through text message opposed to email. It is possible that SMS marketing has become outdated and those who are currently using SMS marketing, may switch to the use of Email marketing in the future.
Radio and Television Marketing
Radio and television marketing methods are much older than the previous marketing methods mentioned. However, these methods are still considered as digital marketing. The use of radio and television marketing has been a huge success. Most countries that have partake in television broadcasting use television marketing to pay for the use of television programmes. Radio marketing is the same concept as television marketing, advertisements are used to pay for radio programmes. Although advertisements are often seen as a hindrance by consumers, they have been around for decades and I believe they are here to stay unless streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime take over from television broadcasting.
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