By saving your small or medium sized business several thousand dollars per year by cutting down on your business’ energy consumption, you’ll be able to invest more money in growing your fledgling business. If you’re interested in saving your business money by lowering your energy bill, simply continue reading to discover a variety of effective energy saving tips, which are aimed at small to medium sized businesses from Utility Bidder.
Effective Energy Saving Tips For Businesses:
Train your employees to be more conscious of their energy consumption:
Drastically decreasing your business’ power usage is a team effort and it’s important to train all of your business’ employees to be more conscious of their energy consumption.
For example, teach your employees to get into the habit of powering down their work computer before they leave their office, at the end of the day. If you run a small to medium sized business, you should be able to save around $9,500 per year, by encouraging your employees to turn their computers off.
Install timers for your business’ lights:
Another way to save energy and money is to install timers for your business’ lights. As an example, you may want to set a timer that will ensure that all of your building’s lights will automatically turn off at 6pm at night. By ensuring your business’ lights are never left on overnight, you’ll be able to save your business several thousand dollars a year.
Install motion activated lights:
Alternatively, you can also save your business a lot of money by installing motion activated lights. Which require regular movements to keep a light on. As an example, you could install motion activated lights in a conference room. As when your conference room is not in use, the lights in your conference room will automatically turn off.
Make sure that there aren’t any drafts in your building:
It’s well worth quickly fixing any drafts that you may find as it’s far harder to heat your business properly in winter and keep your business cool in summer, if there are drafts in your building. As hot air or cool air, won’t be able to escape through drafts in your building.
Consider changing your energy provider:
You may be surprised at how much money you can save by simply changing your current energy provider. As the rates which each power company charge in your area will differ greatly. So it’s well worth spending a bit of time comparing the rates which each local energy provider is willing to offer your small or medium sized business.
Have skylights installed in order to naturally light up your office spaces:
Another way to decrease your business’ reliance on power is to have skylights installed. As skylights will channel bright sunshine into your offices, warehouse or store.
So if you’d like to save your small to medium sized business tens of thousands of dollars per year, make sure to use all of the energy saving tips listed above, in order to start making important changes to your business. As you’ll be able to invest all of the money that your business saves on energy, straight into your business.
You can also check out this ebook for more tips on saving energy costs for your business! Utility Bidder – Energy Savers Guide
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